English 3556E – Twentieth-Century Drama

The modern period is marked by a number of social, political, and aesthetic tensions. How does theatre remain relevant amidst these pressures, especially as the stage gives way first to the cinema, then to the TV screen, and now to the internet? We will look at texts both canonical and non-canonical, spanning 1890 to the present day. Antirequisite(s): English 2450E. Prerequisite(s): At least 60% in 1.0 of English 1020E or 1022E or 1024E or 1035E or 1036E or both of English 1027F/G and 1028F/G or permission of the Department. Corequisite(s): Pre-or Corequisite(s): Extra Information: 3 hours, 1.0 course. back to top

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