English 3226E – Renaissance Drama

The opening of the English professional theatres produced many of the greatest authors of British literary history, including Marlowe, Jonson, Webster, and Middleton. This course explores twelve plays in the context of the period’s cultural and political upheavals. Instructors may contextualize the drama by considering Medieval forebears or closet drama. Antirequisite(s): English 2420E. Prerequisite(s): At least 60% in 1.0 of English 1020E or 1022E or 1024E or 1035E or 1036E or both of English 1027F/G and 1028F/G, or permission of the Department. Corequisite(s): Pre-or Corequisite(s): Extra Information: 3 hours, 1.0 course. back to top

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