Electrical and Computer Engineering 4460A/B – Real-Time and Embedded Systems

Review of embedded processors, memory systems, basic peripherals; real-time kernel configurations, task control blocks, interrupt service routines, real-time clocks/timers, multi-tasking, schedulability analysis, inter-task communication, signals, message queues, cooperative/pre-emptive multi-tasking, priority scheduling, priority inversion problems, timing considerations, deadline handing, input-output handling; practical issues in computer control; design, development, and testing techniques. Antirequisite(s): The former ECE 360a/b. Prerequisite(s): Computer Science 1027A/B or 1037A/B, Computer Science 2211A/B or SE 2250A/B, ECE 3375A/B as well as successful completion of the third year of the Engineering program. Corequisite(s): Pre-or Corequisite(s): Extra Information: 3 lecture hours, 1.5 laboratory hours, 0.5 course. back to top

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